Online Enrollment
Online Enrollment
In an effort to reduce the amount of time it takes for our parents to complete enrollment forms, we have integrated our enrollment forms with our student information. The steps below will help you get started and if you have any problems, please contact the school.
Step 1 – On the school website homepage, click on the Gradebook option button

Step 2 – Enter your Wengage account username/password that you used to check your child’s grades. If you have forgotten your password, select the Forgot Password link. If you have not setup an account for this, please select the Request An Account option.

Step 3 – At the Apps selection screen, select the Student Records Portal. After login, if you automatically get taken into the Guardian Portal, then please select the Apps option in the top far right (next to logout option) to take you back to the Apps screen to select Student Records Portal.

Step 4 – then you click the link by your child’s name to Enroll Student 2023-2024. If you have multiple children, you have to complete an enrollment for a child before you are able to move onto another child’s enrollment.

Step 5 is made of the 3 steps needed to enroll each child.